Miami-Dade 2040 Public Involvement Plan - page 13

Throughout the process, users may visit the website to connect with MPO staff, review plan
documents or send comments or feedback. Visitors to the website may sign-up to receive
LRTP updates and meeting notices by electronic communications. All comment and
suggestions submitted online will be recorded as a part of the official record. All questions
submitted on the website will be forwarded to the appropriate agency for a response.
Video Message
The Team will produce video messages at the kick-off and final phases of the LRTP process.
The 2-minute introductory video will explain the purpose of the update process and ways to
get involved. This video will be posted on the 2040 LRTP website, Facebook page and the
Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP Channel on YouTube. At the end of the process, a video detailing
the public involvement activities during the update process will be prepared. This video will
remain on the website as a record of all LRTP activities.
Media Relations
Using technology to promote LRTP activities is central to reaching the public. However,
traditional media tools are still useful in reaching audiences who rely on print and broadcast
outlets to obtain information. The Team, as directed by the MPO’s Public Involvement
Manager, will prepare media advisories and news releases to local publications to promote
upcoming public meetings. Media outlets targeting transit-dependent populations will also
receive media news (see Table 5).
Earned Media – Transit-Dependent Audiences
Media Outlet
Targeted Audience
South Dade News Leader
Haitian American Business News
Haitian-American community
Diarios Las Americas
Hispanic community
Miami Times
African-American community
The 2040 LRTP website is
launched and functional.
It will continue to be
updated and provide
information to the public
during the planning &
implemntation process.
Electronic forms of
communication are an
effective technique to
allow stakeholders to
access information at their
own convenience.
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