Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

2-10 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Goal 5 - Protect and Preserve the Environment and Quality of Life and Promote Energy Conservation Objective 5.1 Minimize and mitigate air and water quality impacts of transportation facilities, services, and operations Tons per day of emissions (NOx, CO, VOC) Surface coverage of transportation system on acres of wetlands Objective 5.2 Reduce fossil fuels use Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Non fossil fuel burning daily transit service route miles Does the plan promote the use of alternative fuel technologies? Objective 5.3 Promote projects that support urban infill and densification Highway lane and centerline miles within the Urban Infill Area Transit service route miles within the Urban Infill Area Objective 5.4 Minimize adverse impacts to established neighborhoods Does the plan minimize impacts to established neighborhoods? Objectives Measures Goal 6 - Enhance the Integration & Connectivity of the System, Across & Between Modes, for People & Freight Objective 6.1 Improve connectivity to Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) and intermodal facilities Highway centerline miles on SIS connectors Objective 6.2 Provide multi-modal options consistent with the local government comprehensive plan Is the plan consistent with adopted Comprehensive Development Master Plans? Objective 6.3 Integrate modal infrastructure, technologies, and payment systems to provide seamless connectivity for passenger and freight trips from origin to destination Does the plan address multimodal connections? Does the plan address integrated technologies / payment systems? Objective 6.4 Improve goods movement by enhanced intermodal access and other infrastructure that serve major freight origins and destinations in Miami-Dade County (And Regional) Highway lane miles within .5 miles of major freight origins and destinations Report truck travel times Objective 6.5 Improve freight movement operations and reliability by promoting expedient and cooperative practices across all modes Does the freight component of the plan address multimodal freight components? Objective 6.6 Reinforce and transform Florida's Strategic Intermodal System facilities to provide multimodal options for moving people and freight Percentage of funding dedicated to SIS hubs, corridors, and connectors by mode (freight rail, transit, and highway) Objective 5.5 Promote transportation improvements that are consistent with adopted comprehensive development master plans Is the plan consistent with adopted Comprehensive Development Master Plans? Objective 5.6 Prioritize funding to favor intra-urban, Urban Development Boundary (UDB) improvements Ratio of lane and highway centerline miles inside/outside UDB boundaries Ratio of transit service route miles inside/outside UDB boundaries Objective 5.7 Apply transportation and land use planning techniques, such as transit-oriented development, that support intermodal connections and coordination Number of projects which include transit oriented development or support intermodal connections and coordination. Objective 5.8 Coordinate transportation and land use decisions to support livable rural and urban communities Does the plan support compact, accessible, and walkable neighborhoods? Objective 5.9 Protect historic areas New highway lane miles within historic site/district Objective 5.10 Coordinate transportation investments with other public and private decisions to foster livable communities Sidewalks and trail miles per highway centerline miles Transit route miles per highway centerline miles Objective 5.11 Promote the aesthetic value and character of major transportation projects and facilities in Miami-Dade County A minimum of three significant projects (per year) will be reviewed for their aesthetic impact on the community Table 2-1 | Complete Goals, Objectives, and Measures (continued)