Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 2 | Planning for a Shared Future EYES ON THE FUTURE | 2-11 Goal 7 - Optimize Sound Investment Strategies for System Improvement and Management/Operation Objective 7.1 Optimize benefits of capital expenditures Capital expenditure/travel time savings benefit ratio Objective 7.2 Optimize operations and maintenance expenses O&M expenditure/travel time savings benefit ratio Objective 7.3 Optimize applications of People’s Transportation Plan (PTP) funding PTP expenditures/travel time savings benefit ratio Objective 7.4 Maximize use of State, Federal, and private sector funding sources Dollar amount of private sector funding (as a proportion of total cost of plan) Dollar amount of State and Federal funding (as a proportion of total cost of plan) Objective 7.5 Promote local improvement projects within the systems improvement context Number of improvements on local facilities (non-State Highway System) Objective 7.6 County will establish strong regional linkages with Southeast Florida governments to plan for infrastructure Does the plan address regional intergovernmental coordination? Table 2-1 | Complete Goals, Objectives, and Measures (continued) Objectives Measures Goal 8 - Maximize and Preserve the Existing Transportation System Objective 8.1 Continue to examine the provision and utilization of managed lanes on the existing system Lane miles of managed lanes as a proportion of total lane mile improvements. Transit route miles on managed lanes Objective 8.2 Identify and implement the best available technologies and innovations to improve the reliability and e ciency of the transportation system Does the plan identify and consider the latest technologies and innovations in transportation improvements? Objective 8.3 Identify and reserve corridors and right- of-way (on roadways, railways, and waterways) for future transportation facilities and services Does the plan identify and consider right of way acquisitions as a phase that can be planned independently? Objective 8.4 Expand the use of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies Number of projects which utilize TDM strategies. Objective 8.5 Achieve and maintain a state of good repair for transportation assets for all modes Percent of funding allocated to maintenance and rehabilitation. Objective 8.6 Reduce the vulnerability and increase the resilience of critical infrastructure to the impacts of climate trends and events. Highway lane and centerline miles within the 100-year ood plain. Objective 8.7 Minimize damage to infrastructure from transportation vehicles Local centerline and lane miles of roadway with high truck volumes. Objective 8.8 Ensure necessary supporting infrastructure (water, sewer, drainage) capacity is available for new projects and improvements. Does the plan consider existing utilities infrastructure when planning new projects? Objective 8.9 Repair and maintain existing infrastructure rst Does the plan prioritize repair and rehabilitation of existing infrastructure before construction of new infrastructure? Objective 8.10 Achieve and maintain a state of good repair for evacuation corridors Percent of funding allocated to maintenance and rehabilitation of evacuation corridors. Pursuant to MPO Governing Board Resolution #06-16, dated February 18, 2016, establishing policy for the 2040 LRTP to set as highest priority the advancement of rapid transit corridor projects in Miami-Dade County.