Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Miami-Dade 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan 1
Governing Board 5
Table of Contents 8
Summary Highlights 17
Plan Innovations 18
01 - Introduction - “Envisioning the Future” 20
Chapter Overview 21
What Is The MPO and The LRTP? 22
County Overview 24
Key Trends, Opportunities, & Challenges 28
02 - Goals and Objectives - “Planning for a Shared Future” 32
Chapter Overview 33
Federal, State, And Local/Regional Plans 36
LRTP Goals 39
Goal and Objective Measures 40
03 - Plan Update Process - “Connecting the Dots” 44
Chapter Overview 45
Federal Requirements 48
State Requirements 54
Community Interface 56
Forecasting 58
Performance Measurement 60
Efficient Transportation Decision Making (EDTM) 64
04 - Public Involvement - “Staying in Touch” 66
Chapter Overview 67
Visualization Techniques 69
Communication Tools 70
Public Outreach/Public Meetings 72
Environmental Justice and Title VI 74
05 - Financial - “Putting Our Infrastructure to Work” 76
Chapter Overview 77
Funding Sources 80
Cost Estimates 81
Available Revenue for New Capital and New O&M 82
Potential Revenue Sources 84
Public Private Partnerships Options and Trends 86
06 - Multimodal Solutions - “Finding a Balance” 88
Chapter Overview 89
Roadway and Transit Projects 92
Bicycle and Pedestrian Set-Aside Projects 136
Congestion Management Set-Aside Projects 156
Freight Set-Aside Projects 164
07 - Environment & Sustainability - “Sustaining Our Environment & Communities” 170
Chapter Overview 171
Economically and Financially Viable 174
Environmentally Sound 176
Socially Responsible 178
08 - Regional Coordination - “Expanding Our Horizons” 180
Chapter Overview 181
About The Regional Governing Board 184
Regional Network 186
Southeast Florida 2040 Plan 188
Seven50 Southeast Florida Prosperity Plan 189
09 - Plan Implementation - “Wheels in Motion” 190
Chapter Overview 191
LRTP/TIP Linkage 192
Illustrative Projects 194
Monitoring Performance 200
Appendix 205
A - Glossary of Terms 207
B - Supplement to the 2040 Revenue Handbook 2040 Revenue Forecast for Miami-Dade Metropolitan Area 211
C - Appendix for the Metropolitan Long Range Plan 2040 Revenue of State and Federal Revenues for Statewide and Metropolitan Plans 217
D - CMP Comparison Analysis 229
E - CMP Toolbox Strategies 233
F - Performance Results 255
G - Project Purpose and Needs Statement 257