Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

70 6-8 | MOBILITY OPTIONS PRIORITY I Figure 6-2 | Number of Priority I Projects by Improvement Type Figure 6-3 | Priority I Allocation by Project Funding Phase* SNAPSHOT Roadway Transit 59 11 Note: Snapshot does not include the Miami Intermodal Center (MIC) Repayment. *Funds Allocated do not include funds included through the TIP or O&M for improvements on the SHS. Number of Projects Preliminary Engineering (PRE-ENG) Right-of-Way (ROW) Construction (CST) Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Funding Phase $570 Funds Allocated (Million s YOE $) Roadway Operational Roadway Capacity Intersection/Interchange Park-and-Ride/Multimodal Express Bus/Enhanced Bus Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Fixed Guideway Improvement Type