Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
6-6 | MOBILITY OPTIONS SIS is balanced to costs and revenues as provided by FDOT Set-Asides: Additional Bicycle/Pedestrian and Freight Speci c project will be identi ed as opportunities arise to account for remaining funds. Transportation Alternatives (TALU and TALT) funds are programmed through the MPO annual application program. TRIP funds are programmed for regional facilities and will fund 50% of project costs. TRIP funds will be programmed in coordination with regional agencies and FDOT. Transportation Mode Cost Revenue Surplus / De cit Source SIS $6,543 $6,543 $0 SIS 1 FTE $866 $2,385 $1,519 FTE MDX $1,953 $1,954 $1 MDX $1,401 $1,399 -$2 Other Arterial Construction and ROW $14 $14 $0 TMA $917 $957 $40 PWWM New Capital $355 $397 $42 Set Asides (Bike/Ped, CMP, Freight) 2 SubtotalOther Roadways $2,686 $2,767 $81 $1,657 $1,657 $0 PWWM Existing O&M $13 $13 $0 PWWM New O&M Subtotal: Highway $13,718 $15,319 $1,600 $615 $614 -$1 TMA $311 $312 $1 MDT New Cap $235 $235 $0 Other Arterial Construction & ROW $24,146 $24,146 $0 MDT O&M/Expenses $278 $278 $0 MDT New O&M Subtotal: Transit $25,585 $25,585 $0 Other Projects 3 $105 $105 $0 TALU, TALT, TRIP Total $39,408 $41,008 $1,600 Other Roadways County Roads O&M Transit O&M Transit Capital 1 2 3 2040 Plan Summary The following tables ( Tables 6-2 through 6-5 ) summarize the 2040 Plan by cost and revenue by mode (in dollars and percent), and by Priority. Table 6-2 includes the cost and revenue for projects in the TIP, which is subset of the LRTP. Table 6-3 through 6-5 include the cost and revenue for projects proposed for 2020 to 2040. Project details can be found in the Priority Tables (Tables – include for all expect for unfunded.) Table 6-2 | Expected Revenue and Cost of Plan (Millions in YOE $) CMAQ – Per Revised Interim Guidance on CMAQ Operating Assistance under MAP-21, CMAQ funds can be used as start-up operating costs for incremental cost of expanding transit services. Therefore, this funding can be provided for eligible projects which reduce emiss ions and are consistent with Federal requirements. This can be programmed on a project by project basis in coordination with FDOT and other agencies. Current work program instructions show the annual amount is $1.6 million per year. Notes: Note: Totals may not add due to rounding.