Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
6-4 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Roadway The highway (and roadway) system is the backbone of the transportation system. There are many types of roadways from local roads to major arterial highways. In Miami-Dade County several agencies own and operate highway facilities including: Florida Department of Transportation, Florida Turnpike Enterprise, Miami-Dade Expressway Authority, Department of Public Works and Waste Management (county roads), and various municipalities. There are also many potential types of road improvements depending on the need and include: new roads, managed lanes, roadway widening, intersection improvements, and operational improvements. Recurring Obligations/Set-Asides Total 2020-2040 Priority I 2015-2020 Priority II 2021-2025 Priority III 2026-2030 Priority IV 2031-2040 MDT Bus Replacement $111.5 $14.5 $69.0 $20.0 $8.0 MDT Existing O&M $16,599.5 $560.5 $3,119.0 $3,643.0 $9,277.0 MDT SFRTA Contribution $88.0 $4.0 $21.0 $21.0 $42.0 MDT Municipal Contribution $1,987.0 $58.0 $337.0 $420.0 $1,172.0 MDT Other Expenses $538.0 $11.0 $74.0 $107.0 $346.0 MDT Debt Service - Prior to FY19 $3,107.5 $145.5 $747.0 $748.0 $1,467.0 MDT New Debt Service - Debt Issued FY19 & After $1,716.0 $0.0 $74.0 $256.0 $1,386.0 Existing County Roads O&M $1,657.0 $55.0 $309.0 $364.0 $929.0 Bike/Ped Set-Aside $100.0 $5.0 $24.0 $24.0 $47.0 Congestion Management Set-Aside $170.0 $9.0 $46.0 $45.0 $70.0 Freight Set-Aside $127.0 $6.0 $30.0 $29.0 $62.0 Roadway and Transit Projects Proposed projects are eligible for different funding sources depending on type and jurisdiction of the project as described in Chapter 5. The prioritized projects from the Needs Plan are matched to the available funds by source to identify the projects that are cost feasible i.e. can be afforded in the 2040 Plan. Priorities I – IV have projects that are multimodal including: highway, transit, and freight projects and are multi- jurisdictional including: the Strategic Intermodal System (SIS), State Highway System (SHS), Florida Turnpike Enterprise, Miami-Dade Expressway Authority, Miami-Dade Transit, county, and municipal facilities. SIS projects are as programmed by FDOT. Projects identified in the Strategic Intermodal System Funding Strategy, First Five Year Plan FY 2014/2015 through FY 2018/2019, Second Five Year Plan FY 2019/2020 through FY 2023/2024, and the Long Range Cost Feasible Plan 2024 – 2040 Plan, are incorporated into the 2040 Plan. Proposed highway and transit improvements are identified by priority as listed in the Tables 6-6, 6-7, 6-8 and 6-9 . Partially Funded, Privately Funded, and Unfunded Projects are listed in Tables 6-10, 6-11 , and 6-12 , respectively. As described in Chapter 5, the cost to operate and maintain the transportation system is often the most expensive part of a project and must be accounted for in the 2040 Plan. The cost to operate and maintain the existing transportation system, other financial obligations, and the set-aside funds are summarized as recurring obligations (cost) by Priority in Table 6-1 . Table 6-1 | Recurring Obligations and Set-Asides (Millions YOE $)