Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
6-2 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Figure 6-1 | Priority Bands Multimodal SNAPSHOT The 2040 Plan was developed to guide the transportation investments in Miami-Dade County to 2040. First, the Needs Plan was developed to address the transportation deficiencies and to enhance the multimodal transportation system. Projects in the Needs Plan were evaluated and ranked. Next, available funding was allocated to the ranked list of Needs Plan projects to develop the prioritized list of cost feasible projects while balancing the funding with the need, modes, and locations. Projects were grouped into incremental band years or Priorities based on available funding. Figure 6-1 illustrates the phasing of projects by funding status. The Priorities are as follows: Priority I: TIP (2015-2019) and 2020 Priority II: 2021-2025 Priority III: 2026-2030 Priority IV: 2031-2040 Priority Bands Priority II: 2021-2025 Priority III: 2026-2030 Priority IV: 2031-2040 Priority I: 2015-2020 $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $ Priority I Projects Priority II Projects Priority III Projects Priority IV Projects Partially Funded Projects Unfunded Projects The 2040 LRTP is a multimodal plan for Miami-Dade County and represents planned highway, transit, park and ride, bicycle/pedestrian, congestion management, and freight specific projects to improve the transportation system. The projects in the 2040 Plan are presented in this Chapter as indicated on the next page.