Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
5-6 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Available Revenue for New Capital and New O&M The revenue forecast provides the total estimated revenue projected to be available by agency for the 21 years beyond the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). Some of the funds identified are already programmed or allocated to operations and maintenance for the existing transit system and roads not in the SHS. The SIS is developed by FDOT and the SIS projected revenues are programmed by FDOT and are not available to fund non SIS projects. The operating and maintenance costs for the existing transit system and roads on non-SHS roads must be covered by projected revenue. A summary of the projected revenue available for new capital projects and new O&M is summarized in Table 5-4 . The allocation of available funds from funding sources to; new capital and new O&M, committed capital, and existing O&M and recurring costs is illustrated in Figure 5-2 . Table 5-4 | Available Revenue for New Capital and New O&M (Millions YOE $) $15,206m Available Funds (21 YR Total | YOE $) Other Arterial - $1,635 MDT - $590 TMA Funds- $627 FTE $2,385 MDX $1,954 PWWM $970 SIS $6,543 Illustrative $105 Set-Asides $397 Priority I 2020 Priority II 2021‐2025 Priority III 2026 ‐2030 Priority IV 2031‐2040 Total 2020-2040 Revenues for New Capital and New O&M Other Arterial Construction & ROW $86 $386 $364 $798 $1,635 Transit $0 $71 $152 $367 $590 TMA Funds $30 $149 $149 $299 $627 FTE $0 $42 $413 $1,930 $2,385 MDX $44 $240 $401 $1,269 $1,954 PWWM $59 $282 $247 $382 $970 Subtotal for New Capital and New O&M $219 $1,170 $1,727 $5,045 $8,161 SIS Highway Construction & ROW $205 $374 $2,372 $3,592 $6,543 Transportation Alternatives (TALU) $1 $3 $3 $7 $13 Districtwide Transportation Alternatives (TALT) $3 $16 $16 $32 $68 TRIP $0 $6 $6 $12 $24 Set-Asides (Bicycle/Pedestrian, CMP, Freight) $20 $100 $98 $179 $397 Total Available Funds $448 $1,669 $4,222 $8,867 $15,206 New Capital and New O&M Committed Capital Note: Totals may not add due to rounding.