Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 5 | Putting Our Infrastructure to Work EYES ON THE FUTURE | 5-5 Table 5-2 | 2040 Set-Aside Fund s (Millions YOE $) Cost Estimates Project costs were determined for all projects defined in the Needs Plan to assess the financial feasibility in the process of developing the 2040 Plan. For capital improvements, project costs were determined based on available data from existing reports, work programs, and/or the transportation agencies where available. If exiting cost estimates were not available, costs were estimated using the FDOT Cost Calculator and unit costs, similar types of projects, and input from the agencies, where available. The cost to operate and maintain transportation system improvements are often the most expensive part of a project and therefore, must be estimated for all proposed future facilities. Operations and Maintenance costs (O&M) were based on existing current O&M rates. O&M for roads in the State Highway System (SHS) are accounted for under the State Highway System Operations and Maintenance program and do not need to be reflected in the LRTP. The districtwide estimates for the State Highway Operations and Maintenance Estimates are provided by FDOT and must be documented based on an agreement between FDOT and the Federal Highway Administration Division Office. The O&M costs for the existing SHS, MDT, and the Department of Public Works and Waste Management (PWWM) facilities are summarized in Table 5-3. Table 5-3 | Operations and Maintenance Costs for Existing System (Millions YOE $) Maintaining the Existing System Financial Set-Asides Financial set-asides in the LRTP provide assurance that specific programs are afforded a minimum level of investment in the plan. MAP-21 requires the integration of a Congestion Management Process (CMP), bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and considers projects and strategies for the movement of freight in addition to people. The 2040 LRTP includes financial set asides for Congestion Management, Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities, and Freight specific projects are shown in Table 5-2 below. The financial set-asides were approved by the MPO Board at the June 2014 meeting. Financial Set-Asides Priority I 2020 Priority II 2021‐2025 Priority III 2026‐2030 Priority IV 2031‐2040 Total 2020-2040 Bicycle/Pedestrian $5 $24 $24 $47 $99 Congestion Management $9 $46 $45 $70 $171 Freight $6 $30 $29 $62 $127 Total Set-Asides $20 $100 $98 $179 $397 Priority I 2020 Priority II 2021‐2025 Priority III 2026‐2030 Priority IV 2031‐2040 Total 2020-2040 Operating and Maintenance Districtwide SHS O&M $145 $740 $811 $1,781 $3,477 MDT O&M/Expeneses $794 $4,442 $5,214 $13,696 $24,146 PWWM O&M $55 $309 $364 $929 $1,658 Total Committed Funds $994 $5,491 $6,389 $16,406 $29,281 Note: Totals may not add due to rounding. Note: Totals may not add due to rounding.