Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
Chapter 5 | Putting Our Infrastructure to Work EYES ON THE FUTURE | 5-3 MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Table 5-1 | Revenue Forecast FY 2020-FY 2040 Estimates for Miami-Dade County (Millions YOE $) The projected financial resources were analyzed to identify the available revenues for capacity-related capital improvements and associated operations and maintenance (O&M). Capacity-related improvements are improvements to surface transportation facilities that add capacity to the transportation network, including highway, transit (bus, rail, Metromover), bicycle, or pedestrian facilities. Table 5-1 Revenue Forecast FY 2020-2040 Estimates for Miami-Dade County, summarizes the available revenue by agency and Priority Years. Based on Figure 5-1 , $41 billion (YOE) is the forecasted revenue estimate for the 21 year period from 2020 through 2040. Figure 5-1 illustrates how the projection compares to the past two LRTPs, in 2008 dollars. By comparison, the projected total for the 2040 Plan are close to the pre-recession levels as in the 2030 LRTP. $0.0 $5.0 $10.0 $15.0 $20.0 $25.0 Figure 5-1 | Comparison to Past LRTPs (Billions 2008 $) $30.0 2030 LRTP 2040 LRTP $24.8B $19.5B $23.9B * Department of Public Works andWaste Management (PWWM) receives 80% of projected - Constitutional Gas Tax (Secondary Gas Tax), 20% of this tax is allocated to the County General Fund. **Net Revenues are shown for FTE and MDX. Note: Totals may not add due to rounding. Priority I 2020 Priority II 2021‐2025 Priority III 2026‐2030 Priority IV 2031‐2040 Total 2020-2040 Capital Revenues SIS Highways Construction & ROW $205 $374 $2,372 $3,592 $6,543 Other Arterial Construction & ROW $96 $429 $405 $887 $1,817 Transit $47 $241 $253 $531 $1,072 TMA Funds $34 $168 $168 $336 $705 Districtwide TALT Funds $3 $16 $16 $32 $68 Transportation Alternatives (TALU) $3 $17 $17 $33 $69 Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP) <$1 $6 $6 $13 $25 FTE** $0 $42 $413 $1,930 $2,385 MDX** $44 $240 $401 $1,269 $1,954 PWWM Constitutional Gas Tax* $15 $77 $79 $164 $335 Road Impact Fees $43 $231 $243 $521 $1,038 MDT PTP Surtax (debt service for capital) $160 $890 $1,024 $2,861 $4,935 5-cent CI-LOGT $18 $91 $94 $195 $398 Operating Revenue PWWM 6-cent LOGT $42 $211 $216 $449 $918 County Gas Tax $8 $42 $43 $89 $182 9th Cent Gas Tax $11 $54 $55 $114 $234 MDT Direct Operating Revenues $145 $828 $961 $2,449 $4,383 Federal/State Grants (excl. FDOT Transit above) $57 $320 $372 $949 $1,698 PTP Surtax (for operations) $92 $577 $801 $2,233 $,3703 All Other Existing (incl GF and LOGT) $276 $1,565 $1,861 $4,846 $8,548 Total $1,297 $6,419 $9,800 $23,492 $41,008 2035 LRTP