Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

4-8 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Environmental Justice and Title VI Executive Order 12898, signed by President Clinton in February 1994, directed all Federal agencies to make environmental justice a key part of its mission by identifying and addressing the impacts of programs, policies, and activities on both minority and low-income populations. Throughout the 2040 LRTP study process, the provisions of environmental justice, as defined by the Federal Highway Administration, were followed to ensure consistency with environmental justice and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. MPO staff and consultants made every effort to include all affected parties from varying socio-economic groups to ensure that their input was considered in the 2040 LRTP update. The Miami-Dade MPO is committed to developing strategies and methods to address the degree of impact of proposed transportation projects on minority and low-income communities. The MPO has developed a web-based GIS application, Miami-Dade Transportation and Community Mapping, whereby planners and decision-makers can create customized demographic, project related reports for any area within Miami-Dade County. This tool provides assistance in the determination of appropriate public involvement strategies to address environmental justice and Title VI requirements. The web application can be accessed at: Extensive efforts were made to reach and serve disadvantaged populations during the LRTP update process. Online survey advisories were sent to Haitian American Business News, Amigos for Kids and We Care of South Dade, Inc., a not-for-profit organization that oversees a network of low-income programs in south Miami-Dade. Furthermore, local, and state officials were asked to distribute study information to their constituents. LRTP materials were produced in English, Spanish and Creole and mailed to residents in the local MPO’s database. Materials were also hand-delivered to venues serving disadvantaged populations, including the Haitian Organization of Women, Homestead City Hall, and Frankie Rolle Neighborhood Service Center. Meeting surveys, agendas, and comment cards were produced in English, Spanish and Creole. Spanish and Creole-speaking translators were on-hand at public meetings to assist non-English speaking attendees. The PIP Team identified key groups serving low-income and transit-dependent populations in Miami-Dade County. Public meeting brochures were sent to each group by electronic mail. Additionally, follow-up telephone calls were placed to confirm receipt of the information and encourage a representative of the organization to attend a public meeting. Table 4-1 includes the organizations and their targeted constituencies. The PIP Team incorporated several outreach techniques into the public involvement program to engage the transit-dependent population. For example, the PIP Team partnered with the Miami-Dade County Community Action Agency (CAA) boards to reach transit-dependent residents in Florida City/Homestead, Perrine, and Naranja. Presentations were made at board meetings, materials distributed at area meetings, and reminder telephone calls placed to CAA board members in advance of public meetings. Brochures were delivered to community-based organizations providing social services to underserved residents. This distribution process ensured that residents without transportation or Internet access were aware of the update process. Their members were encouraged to call the Miami-Dade MPO public information office to share their comments. Listed in Table 4-2 are some of the organizations briefed during this process. To ensure public meetings were accessible to the underserved population, the PIP Team held several public meetings at the neighborhood centers and public libraries operating in low-income communities, including: the Frankie Rolle Neighborhood Center (Coconut Grove), Culmer/Overtown Neighborhood Center (Overtown), North Dade Regional Library (Miami Gardens/Opa-Locka), South Dade Regional Library (Goulds, Homestead, Perrine), and Victor Wilde Community Center (Hialeah).