Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 4 | Staying in Touch EYES ON THE FUTURE | 4-7 Figure 4-5 | Miami-Dade Residents Participating The ribbons game was utilized to measure transit service and roadway improvements. Maps with yellow and red Legos representing growth in household and employment growth, respectively were placed on tables. Purple and orange ribbons, representing transit and highway improvements, respectively were distributed to the participants. Participants laid out their suggested transit (purple ribbon) lines enhancements and highway corridors (orange ribbon) improvements to alleviate congestion. Initially, unlimited expenditures were allowed, resulting in major roadway and transit service expenditures countywide. When budget constraints were imposed and participants were instructed to scale back their improvements based on the projected funding implemented by corresponding ribbon length, priority improvements were placed on the map. Participants spent several minutes explaining their reasoning for selecting specific corridors. The final selections were captured on camera for inclusion in the final public involvement summary of the meetings. Phase III (Virtual Meeting) In order to provide online access to the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan update process, the PIP team produced the Cost Feasible Plan “virtual meeting” for on-demand viewing. The “virtual meeting” briefly explains the three phases of the update process: 1) ranking of the Goals and Objectives; 2) development of the Draft Needs Plan; and 3) adoption of the Cost Feasible Plan. The “virtual meeting” also presents the projects in the 2040 Plan including; highway, transit, bicycle/pedestrian, freight specific, and congestion management projects. And, finally, it recognizes the importance of public participation in the federally mandated transportation planning update process. Electronic messages were sent to the Miami-Dade MPO database, technical committees, and community leaders to drive traffic to the Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP website to view the video. The “virtual meeting” was also posted on Facebook and the Miami-Dade MPO YouTube Channel. From the Kick-Off video to the Phase III Virtual Meeting, the Miami-Dade LRTP public involvement program, summarized in photos as shown in Figure 4-5 , offered various ways for the public to participate in the update process. The 2040 LRTP website is available for stake-holders to review the update process and learn more about the future of transportation in the Miami Urbanized Area to the year 2040. Staying in Touch