Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
4-4 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Figure 4-2 | Community Flyer Communication Tools Community Flyers & Brochures Videos Figure 4-3 | Community Brochure During Phase II of the update process the Get Involved! Brochure seen in Figure 4-3 , a glossy, 16-page newslet- ter, described the critical steps of identifying the needed improvements to the county’s transportation plan. It further described the six (6) Transportation Planning Areas (TPAs) in the Miami Urbanized Area and major projects planned for the areas. The “ Get Involved ” brochure mapped highway and transit needs for each area and listed projected population and employment growth percentages by 2040. This brochure was sent by regular and electronic mail to the MPO’s Stakeholders database, posted on the website, and distributed to various facilities countywide. Information for Phase I was displayed in the community flyer, see Figure 4-2 . The flyer describes the activities conducted in Phase I such as the purpose of the process, website information, and the Kick-Off Meeting schedule. Brochures were sent by regular and electronic mail to the MPO’s Stakeholders database and made available at public libraries, city halls and community centers countywide. Brochures were produced in the following quantities: English (1500), Spanish (300), and Creole (150). Four (4) videos were produced for the 2040 LRTP update process: the Kick-Off, Needs Plan survey, a “virtual meeting” video, and final video. The Kick-Off video described the existing conditions of the county’s transportation system. It offered instructions on sharing public comments and kick-off public meeting dates. The second video captured the public meeting experience and provided instructions for taking the Needs Plan survey. The “virtual meeting” thanks the public for participating in the Plan process and presents the 2040 Plan. The final video explains the LRTP update process from Kick-Off to the adoption of the 2040 Plan.