Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
Needs Plan Development Draft 2040 LRTP June 2013 Kick-Off Meetings to introduce the LRTP process and obtain Goal weighting input. June 2014 August 2014 Establish Goals & Objectives 4-2 | MOBILITY OPTIONS 8 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT SNAPSHOT The Public Involvement Plan (PIP), developed at the outset of the development of the 2040 Plan, served as a roadmap for engaging the public in the update process. It also described the tools and techniques to reach stakeholders and underserved populations. The PIP documented Miami-Dade County‘s diverse population and the increasing need for multilingual materials. LRTP brochures, meeting materials, and newspaper advertisements were produced in three languages: English, Spanish and Creole. Translators were present at all public meetings, and website content is available in English and Spanish. Needs Development meetings obtained input on types and locations of improvements, through interactive audience participation surveys and blocks and ribbons exercises. Draft 2040 LRTP Virtual Meeting provided an overview of the process, thanked the public for their input, and provided the Draft 2040 LRTP.