Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Chapter Subsections Chapter Overview Visualization Techniques Communication Tools Public Outreach/Public Meetings Environmental Justice and Title VI Chapter Overview Public participation is integral to the development of the long range transportation plan and is continuous throughout the process. Metropolitan Planning Organizations must provide “citizens, affected public agencies, representatives of public transportation employees, freight shippers, providers of freight transportation services, private providers of transportation, representatives of users of public transportation, representatives of users of pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities, representatives of the disabled, and other interested parties with a reasonable opportunity to comment on the transportation plan,” as mandated by federal requirements 23 USC 134(i)(6) - on LRTP requirements & Public Participation. The Miami-Dade MPO is committed to providing opportunities for public involvement for the transportation planning process. The Miami-Dade MPO offered open and effective public involvement activities throughout the development of the 2040 LRTP through workshops and interactive programs on the project’s website. EYES ON THE FUTURE | 4-1 “Staying in Touch” Public Involvement