Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
Florida Department of Transportation Safety Improvements Safety improvements include measures taken to either minimize or eliminate hazardous conditions in the transportation network that can cause accidents and injuries to the traveling public. Safety was a critical element of the 2040 Plan and of the transportation system. The Miami-Dade MPO and implementing transportation agencies are committed to providing a safe and efficient transportation system and will continue to improve the safety of transportation in the County through improvements and programs for all modes of transportation. MAP-21 continued the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) as a core federal-aid program with the purpose of reducing fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. Florida's Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) is the result of state and local collaboration to identify data-driven solutions to achieve that purpose. On-going efforts supported by the SHSP include: Safety efforts are coordinated with the MPO through the 3-C planning process, and are included in the annual update of the TIP. Examples of facility improvements geared toward safety include intelligent transportation system improvements, open road tolling improvements, bridge repairs/replacements, and Road Ranger service patrols. All of the measures taken to improve the safety of Miami-Dade’s transportation system supports the goals and strategies identified in the Florida Strategic Highway Safety Plan, namely the reduction of fatalities and serious injuries. Additional safety measures will be built on the existing programs and agencies that improve the safety of Miami-Dade's transportation system. Security Improvements Providing a secure transportation system involves the protection of travelers, commerce, and the transportation infrastructure from injury, loss of life, damage, or destruction, due to terrorist attacks or other malicious acts. The Miami-Dade transportation system is vital to commerce and economic growth in the region as well as national defense. As a result, it is important to enhance the security of the transportation system across all modes. Therefore, the Miami-Dade MPO and implementing agencies are committed to providing a highly-secure transportation system. The MPO and implementing agencies will work continuously to improve the security of transportation in Miami-Dade County through all feasible means for each mode of transportation. A key component in this effort is ITS (intelligent transportation systems). The ITS component of security entails maintaining the control and monitoring capabilities of the transportation infrastructure in the event of terrorist attacks, natural disasters and other unforeseen events. This is being carried out by the traffic management centers through the use of closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs), highway advisory radios (HARs), dynamic message signs (DMSs), Road Ranger service patrol vehicles equipped with automated vehicle location (AVL) systems, and travel time/speed sensors that allow implementing agencies to detect and manage incidents. Additional security measures will be built upon current programs and agencies that provide security for the Miami-Dade transportation system. MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 3 | Connecting the Dots EYES ON THE FUTURE | 3-19 Evaluation of high-crash locations for safety improvements by FDOT and the Miami-Dade County Public Works/Waste Management Department Safe Routes to School infrastructure and non- infrastructure projects Community Traffic Safety Team coordination of local enforcement and educational activities Outreach efforts including the "Alert Today, Alive Tomorrow" and "Put it Down" campaigns The WalkSafe and BikeSafe educational programs