Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
3-12 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Community Interface voting members non-voting The involvement of transportation providers, and the community at large, represents an integral part of the LRTP, as it informs the purpose and improvements that ultimately are prioritized by the plan. There are two basic elements of community interface: provider input and user input. The provider input consists of the public agencies and volunteer committees advising and guiding the plan development. The public agencies are represented through an LRTP Steering Committee, which convened more than 15 times over the course of the 2-year plan update process. The Steering Committee provides an enormous wealth of information and guidance from the standpoint of transportation service provision, environmental regulation, land use planning, regional planning, aging population advocacy, as well as other sources, as represented in the agency membership below in Table 3-4 . The volunteer committee involvement in the planning process includes the MPO’s Citizen Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC), the Freight Transportation Advisory Committee (FTAC), and the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC), all of which provided an advisory and review role in the process. The relationship between committees and the roles each play is illustrated in Figure 3-3 . Finally, the user, or consumer input plays a crucial role in the shaping of planned transportation infrastructure improvements. The consumer is the public at large, including drivers on the highways, transit patrons, and bicyclists and pedestrians. The interface with the consumer can and has taken many forms, including an interactive website, open meetings in the communities, and social media. In addition to the open-ended input received from participants throughout the process, the 2040 Plan update was designed to collect key input from the communities at two principal stages. The first is the Goals and Objectives stage, at which point the guiding principles for the 2040 Plan are determined. The second is the transportation needs identification and assessment stage. At both stages a series of meetings were held across the County at geographically dispersed locations, as described in Chapter 4. The first and second stages involved the assessment of needed improvements. Florida Department of Transportation Miami-Dade Aviation Department Miami-Dade County Public Schools Miami-Dade Expressway Authority Miami-Dade League of Cities Regulatory & Economic Resources Public Works & Waste Management Seaport (Port of Miami) South Florida Regional Transportation Authority Miami-Dade Transit Broward County MPO Palm Beach County MPO South Florida Regional Planning Council Citizens’ Transportation Advisory Commitee Table 3-4 | LRTP Steering Committee Membership