Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
3-10 | MOBILITY OPTIONS STATE REQUIREMENTS Table 3-3 | State Requirements of the LRTP In addition to adhering to federal statutory requirements, the 2040 Plan addresses state statutory requirements as shown in Table 3-3 . Every attempt has been taken to ensure compliance with the statutory requirements set forth by the State of Florida in regards to the development of a long range transportation plan. The 2040 Plan was an iterative process that required open and frequent communication between transportation agencies and transportation users. The 2040 Plan was developed with state requirements in mind. State Requirements How/Where Requirement is Addressed in LRTP Identify transportation facilities that should function as an integrated metropolitan transportation system, giving emphasis to facilities that serve important national, state, and regional transportation functions. Those facilities include the facilities on the Strategic Intermodal System and identified under TRIP. [339.175(1), F.S.] Connecting the Dots - Chapter 3; Finding a Balance - Chapter 6; Expanding Our Horizon - Chapter 8 Address the prevailing principles to be considered in the LRTP: preserving the existing transportation infrastructure; development of surface transportation systems that will foster economic growth and development while minimizing transportation related fuel consumption, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions; and improving travel choices to ensure mobility needs of people and freight. The LRTP must be consistent with future land use elements and the goals, objectives, and policies of local governments. [339.175(1) and (7), F.S.] Planning for a Shared Future - Chapter 2; Sustaining Our Environment & Communities - Chapter 7 Identify transportation facilities, including, but not limited to, major roadways, airports, seaports, spaceports, commuter rail systems, transit systems, pedestrian walkways, bicycle transportation facilities, and intermodal or multimodal terminals that will function as an integrated metropolitan transportation system. [339.175(1) and (7), F.S.] Finding a Balance - Chapter 6; Priority Tables Develop a LRTP that addresses at least a 20-year planning horizon. The plan must include both long-range and short- range strategies and must comply with all other state and federal requirements. [339.175(7), F.S.] Putting Our Infrastructure to Work - Chapter 5; Finding a Balance - Chapter 6 Consider the goals and objectives identified in the Florida Transportation Plan. [339.175(7)(a), F.S.] Planning for a Shared Future - Chapter 2