Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 3 | Connecting the Dots EYES ON THE FUTURE | 3-9 Table 3-2 | FHWA Expectations Letter (continued) Expecta ons How is it addressed in the LRTP? Transit Projects and Studies: Transit Service Including Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Light Rail Transit (LRT) Heavy Rail Transit (HRT), Commuter Rail Transit (CRT), Streetcar through the New Starts/Small Starts Program: New fixed guideway transit service (like BRT, LRT, HRT, CRT or Streetcar) for a new area or corridor as part of FTA’s New Starts/Small Starts or Core Capacity Program should be “consistent with” the LRTP. Proposed new transit service is consistent with the 2040 cost feasible LRTP, however, New Starts/Small Starts funds are not identified as a funding source in this LRTP update. Emerging Issues – Not Required: Performance Measurement: Consider ways to incorporate performance measures/metrics for system-wide operation, as well as localized measures/metrics into their LRTPs. Performance Measures have been addressed in Wheels in Motion – Chapter 9 – Plan Implementation. Emerging Issues – Not Required: Freight: Recognize the importance of freight to the nation’s economic wellbeing and global competitiveness, as well as its support and promotion of job creation. MPOs should include a reference to the increasing importance of freight, including the development of Statewide Freight Plans. Emerging Issues – Not Required: Sustainable Transportation and Context Sensitive Solutions: Identify and suggest contextual solutions for appropriate corridors, as well as develop livability principles, such as: improving pedestrian and transit access; preserving affordable housing; improving/preserving special resources like parks, monuments and tourism areas; increasing floor area ratios and reducing parking minimums in select corridors to encourage walking trips and public transit; and transportation demand management, etc. Chapter 7 discusses Environment & Sustainability. The chapter includes sections on the following: transportation and land use; adaptation to climate change; air quality conformity; and addressing the transportation needs of an aging population. The concepts of sustainability and context sensitive solutions are a component of each of these sections. In addition, purpose and needs statements are included in the Appendix for all projects. Proactive Improvements – Not Required: Linking Planning and NEPA: For regionally signficant projects in the Cost Feasible Plan of the LRTP, MPOs should strongly consider including a purpose and need statement in the LRTP, which will be carried into the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process as a way to enhance the linkage between planning and NEPA. Brief purpose and needs statements are included in the Appendix for all projects. Proactive Improvements – Not Required: Climate Change: MPOs may also give consideration to climate change strategies which minimize impacts from the transportation system. Climate change is addressed in Sustaining our Environment and Communities – Chapter 7. Proactive Improvements – Not Required: Scenario Planning: MPOs may elect to develop multiple scenarios for consideration in the development of the LRTP. At this time, the 2040 LRTP did not employ scenario planning. Freight projects are incorporated into the plan in two ways. First, those projects that benefit freight and vehicles are incorporated in Priority Tables I-IV. Second, freight specific projects are incorporated into the freight set aside as part of the Cost Feasible Plan.