Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
3-8 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Table 3-2 | FHWA Expectations Letter (continued) Expecta ons How is it addressed in the LRTP? Fiscal Constraint: Environmental Mitigation: For highway projects, the LRTP must include a discussion on the types of potential environmental mitigation activities and opportunities which are developed in consultation with Federal, State and Tribal wildlife, land management and regulatory agencies. The use of Efficient Transportation Decision Making (ETDM) alone is not environmental mitigation. Documentation of the consultation with the relevant agencies should be maintained by the MPO. (23 CFR 450.322(f)(7) and (g)). Chapter 7 discusses Environment & Sustainability. This chapter includes sections on the following: transportation and land use; adaptation to climate change; air quality conformity; and the transportation needs of an aging population. Mitigation, or reducing the impacts of the transportation system, is a component of each of these sections. In addition to the mitigation aspects of the plan noted above, each implementation agencies has processes in place to ensure that any negative impacts of projects are mitigated. The MPO is also coordinating with FDOT to have any new projects screened in the ETDM process. Transit Projects and Studies: Major Transit Capital Projects: For transit “New Start” projects in the LRTP, the MPO must assume they will be successful in competing for discretionary FTA New Starts funding. A reasonable funding assumption is 50% FTA/25% Local/25% State, as is currently the norm in Florida. For major capital transit facility other than a New Start, the assumption must be made that FTA funds such as “State of Good Repair” or “Bus and Bus Facilities” will be awarded. A reasonable funding assumption is 80% FTA/20% local, or up to 100% FTA matched with toll revenue credits. None of the projects in the Cost Feasible plan will use “New Starts” funding. Transit Projects and Studies: Transit Facility: Transit maintenance facilities, transfer facilities, multi-modal stations, park-n-ride lots with transit service or other transit facility for rehabilitation, renovation or new construction, should be contained within the TIP, STIP and be “consistent with” the LRTP. All Transit projects are consistent with the TIP and the 2040 cost feasible LRTP. Transit Projects and Studies: Transit Service including Fixed Route Bus, Deviated Route, Para-transit, Enhanced or Express Bus: New transit service for a new area or corridor should be “consistent with” the LRTP. Proposed new transit service is consistent with the 2040 cost feasible LRTP. In addition, within Miami-Dade County's Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources, there are two offices, Planning, and Sustainability, which are members of the LRTP Steering Committee. These offices, along with the other agencies represented on the Steering Committee, participated in developing the list of Cost Feasible plan projects in a manner that reduces negative impacts as much as possible. The projects were ranked using the goals and weighting factors identified in Chapter 2. Goal #5 Preserve Environment & Quality of Life is tied for the second highest goal weighting factor.