Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 3 | Connecting the Dots EYES ON THE FUTURE | 3-7 Table 3-2 | FHWA Expectations Letter (continued) Department of Public Works andWaste Management Expectations How is it addressed in the LRTP? Fiscal Constraint: Cost Feasible Plan: For a project to be included in the cost feasible plan, an estimate of the cost and source of funding for each phase of the project being funded (including the Project Development and Environment (PD&E) phase) must be included. The phases to be shown in LRTPs include Preliminary Engineering, ROW and Construction (FHWA and FTA support the option of combining PD&E and Design phases into “Preliminary Engineering”). (23 CFR 450.322(f)(10)). All projects in the 2040 Plan, shown in the Chapter 6 Priority Tables I-IV, have total costs identified, including costs for the phases: Preliminary Engineering, ROW, Construction, along with the source of funding. Fiscal Constraint: New Revenue Sources: If the LRTP assumes a new revenue source as part of the cost feasible plan, the source must be clearly explained, why it is considered to be reasonably available, when it will be available, what actions would need to be taken for the revenue to be available, and what would happen with projects if the revenue source was not available. This applies to all revenue sources in the LRTP (i.e. federal, state, local, private, etc.) New revenue sources were not included in the Cost Feasible Plan. Potential new revenue sources are identified but are not assumed to be reasonably available in developing the 2040 Plan. Fiscal Constraint: Total Project Costs: All phases of a project must be described in sufficient detail to provide an estimated total project cost. Projects which go beyond the horizon year of the LRTP must include an explanation of the proj ct’s elements b yond the horizon year and what phases/work will be performed beyond the horizon year of the plan. Costs beyond the horizon year of the plan must be estimated using Year of Expenditure (YOE) methodologies and the estimated completion date may be described as a band. (23 CFR 450.322(f)). Total project cost is shown for all projects in the Needs Plan and includes Priority I-IV, Partially Funded, Privately Funded, and Unfunded tables. For Partially Funded projects, the cost beyond the horizon year of 2040 is calculated in YOE for 2041-2050. Fiscal Constraint: Full Timespan of the LRTP: The LRTP must have a planning horizon of at least 20 years. MPOs will need to show projects and funding for the entire time period covered by the LRTP, from the base year to the horizon year. (23 CFR 450.322(a)) The cost feasible plan shows projects and funding for the entire timespan of the plan from the current TIP / Priority I projects to the horizon year of 2040. Fiscal Constraint: Documented LRTP Modification Procedures: MPOs need established procedures approved by the Board documenting how modifications to the LRTP are addressed after Board adoption. These procedures can be included as part of the LRTP, the PPP, or provided elsewhere as appropriate. LRTP modification procedures are addressed in the MPO’s Public Participation Plan (PPP) and states “Amendments to the LRTP must be advertised 14- days prior to going before the MPO Governing Board for adoption.” Fiscal Constraint: Linking Planning and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA): Prior to FHWA approving an environmental document, the project must be consistent with the LRTP, the TIP and Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The MPO will continue to coordinate closely with implementing agencies to ensure that planning and NEPA consistency determinations are properly documented, and that projects should not be moving forward without planning/NEPA. Fiscal Constraint: LRTP & STIP/TIP Amendment Consistency: The STIP and TIPs must be consistent with the LRTP. When amendments to the STIP/TIP are made, the projects must also be consistent with the LRTP from which they are derived. (23 CFR 450.328 and 23 CFR 450.216(b)) Projects in the TIP are coordinated with FDOT for consistency with the STIP. In addition, amendments are also coordinated with FDOT for consistency with the LRTP.