Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Table 3-2 | FHWA Expectations Letter The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in cooperation with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) issued the “Federal Strategies for Implementing Requirements for LRTP Updates for the Florida MPOs,”dated November 2012 to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the MPOs in Florida. This letter, referred to as FHWA’s Expectations Letter , outlines their expectations for the development of LRTP Updates to assist MPOs inmeeting the federal planning requirements. To ensure compliance with the FHWA Expectation Letter, the 2040 Plan was developed in adherence with the Expectations Letter as listed below in Table 3-2 . 3-6 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Federal Strategies for Implementing Requirements for LRTP Updates for the Florida MPO’s (Expectations Letter) Expectations How is it addressed in the LRTP? Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) are required to demonstrate planning consistency with the LRTP (23 CFR 450.324(d)) All TIP capacity projects are in the LRTP. The LRTP also references non-capacity projects such as safety, resurfacing, and operations & maintenance. Projects in the current TIP are listed in LRTP Priority 1. Preliminary engineering from the TIP is carried forward into Priority II-IV Tables. The TIP and LRTP will also be linked electronically as a follow-up activity to the LRTP update. Projects in the LRTP: Regionally significant projects must be included in the Cost Feasible LRTP. A regionally significant project is a facility which serves regional transportation needs. At a minimum, this includes all principal arterial highways and all fixed guideway transit facilities that offer a significant alternative to regional highway travel. Regionally significant projects are included in the 2040 cost feasible plan and are identified in the data base. Examples include improvements to SR-826 (Palmetto), SR-836 (Dolphin), SR-821, and the phased implementation of BRT transit corridors shown in Multimodal Solutions - Chapter 6 (pages 6-8 to 6-33). Grouped Projects in the LRTP: Federal regulations allow certain project(s) to be grouped in the TIP and LRTP. Grouped projects are typically ones that are not of an appropriate scale to be individually identified and can be combined with other projects which are similar in function, work type, and/or geographic area. Bicycle/Pedestrian, congestion management, and freight specific projects are grouped together and funded with set aside funds. The financial set- asides are identified in Chapter 5, page 5-5, and the set-aside project lists are in Chapter 6, pages 6-44 to 6-77. Fiscal Constraint : Operations & Maintenance: LRTP cost estimates need to be provided for the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) activities for the entire timeframe of the LRTP. System level estimates for O&M costs may be shown for each of the five-year cost bands or may be provided as a total estimate for the full LRTP timeframe. (23 CFR 450.322(f)(10)(i)). Overall O&M costs for the State highway system, MDT, and Miami-Dade Department of Public Works and Waste Management (PWWM) are identified in Chapter 5, page 5-5. The O&M cost for each project is listed in Chapter 6, Priority Tables II-IV on pages 6-16 to 6-33. The O&M cost for MDT and Miami-Dade PWWM is also shown in the Recurring Cost Table in Chapter 6, on page 6-4. Fiscal Constraint : Federal Revenue Sources: Federal and state participation on projects in the Cost Feasible LRTP can be shown as a combined source for cost feasible projects. The project funding, however, must be clearly labeled as a combined Federal/State source in the Cost Feasible LRTP. (23 CFR 450.322(10)f(iii)) Federal and State funds are shown separately for projects listed in the Cost Feasible Plan. Fiscal Constraint: LRTP Documentation/Final Board Approval: The final LRTP documentation must be available for distribution no later than 90 days after the plan’s adoption. The LRTP documentation was completed and made available for distribution prior to the adoption of the Plan.