Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

5 STEPS OF THE PLAN PROCESS MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 3 | Connecting the Dots EYES ON THE FUTURE | 3-3 The five stages of the LRTP development process identified in the flow chart in Figure 3-1 are briefly described below in Figure 3-2 with the location in this document where they are addressed in more detail. Additionally, the public was provided opportunities throughout the process to participate in and comment on the development of the plan as explained in Chapter 4. Establish Goals and Objectives Needs Plan Development Project Evaluation Draft Cost Feasible Plan Final Cost Feasible Plan Establish Goals and Objectives: Developed to guide the development of the Plan and to meet Federal and State requirements. The Goals and Objectives were introduced during the first round of meetings for public input. Weights were assigned to each goal as recommended by the LRTP Steering Committee and adopted by the MPO Governing Board. (Chapter 2) Needs Plan Development: Deficiencies are identified in the transportation system and candidate highway and transit improvements are defined to address those deficiencies i.e. accommodate the future travel demand. The Mobility Needs Assessment Tool (MNAT) is implemented to help define the needs of the transportation system along with input from the public and Steering Committee. (Page 3-14) Project Evaluation: Projects in the Needs Plan are evaluated and ranked using project level measures and the three tier process including: Goal Element Analysis, Congestion Coordination, and input from implementing agencies. (Page 3-17) Draft Cost Feasible Plan: Available funding is allocated to the ranked list of Needs Plan projects to develop the list of cost feasible projects while balancing the funding with need, modes, and locations. (Chapter 6) Final Cost Feasible Plan: Once the 2040 Plan is adopted by the MPO governing Board it will become the document which guides the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) development and project implementation over the next five year period. Figure 3-2 | 5 Steps of the Plan Process