Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
Final Cost Feasible Plan MPO Board Adoption Draft Cost Feasible Plan Develop Cost Feasible Project Ranking Project Evaluation Financial Revenue Projections Develop Cost Estimates Needs Plan Development 3-2 | MOBILITY OPTIONS SNAPSHOT PLAN PROCESS The 2040 Plan update was a technical, collaborative process that involved interested parties throughout the County, including transportation providers and the general population. There were five key stages that ultimately led to the adoption of the 2040 Plan, a financially constrained plan of transportation improvements, by the Miami-Dade MPO Governing Board as shown in Figure 3-1 . The culmination of this process was a plan that represented the unified vision of citizens, business leaders, elected officials, and transportation agencies, all of whom have an important stake in the future of the County’s transportation system. The 2040 Plan was developed to ensure consistency with all applicable state and federal requirements guiding the LRTP process. This chapter discusses the state and federal context of the LRTP update process and describes the plan development activities resulting in the 2040 Plan. Establish Goals and Objectives Existing + Committed Deficiency Analysis Define Future Year Socioeconomic Data Existing + Committed Network Definition Public Participation The plan update process begins with input from the public to establish the plan goals and objectives, which guide the entire process. Public participation is again sought when defining needed improvements and for input on the draft cost feasible plan in a public hearing prior to final adoption. Figure 3-1 | LRTP Plan Update Process 2019 Network 2040 SE Data O & M Capital