Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
Chapter 2 | Planning for a Shared Future Table 2-1 | Complete Goals, Objectives, and Measures (continued) EYES ON THE FUTURE | 2-9 Objectives Measures Goal 2 - Increase the Safety of the Transportation System for All Users Objective 2.1 Improve safety on facilities and in multimodal operations Level of investment in safety projects Objective 2.2 Reduce roadway and multi-modal crashes Number of accidents by facility, accident type, and cost Objective 2.3 Increase safety at transit stops and intermodal stations and connections Does MDT address safety at transit stops and stations as part of the operation of its system? Objective 2.4 Develop and Implement safe routes to schools Does the county have a Safe Routes to School program? Objective 2.5 Promote the safe mobility of aging vulnerable road users Number of accidents involving elderly drivers Objective 2.6 Accommodate the safe and convenient movement of non-motorized users Number of accidents involving pedestrians Goal 3 - Increase the Security of the Transportation System for All Users Objective 3.1 Enhance the capacity of evacuation corridors Total lane miles within evacuation travel corridors Objective 3.2 Improve transportation security for facilities and in operations Does the plan address security as part of the operation of its system? Objective 3.3 Ensure transportation options are available during emergency evacuations for the elderly and persons with disabilities Transit service route miles within 0.25 miles of TAZs with a high proportion of elderly population Objective 3.4 Ensure security at ports, airports, and major intermodal centers/terminals Do airports, seaports, and intermodal centers address security as part of the operation of their facilities? Goal 4 - Support Economic Vitality Objective 4.1 Increase access to employment sites Average Home Base Work (HBW) travel time Objective 4.2 Enhance tourist travel and access opportunities Highway lane and centerline miles within .25 miles of tourist attractions Transit service route miles within .25 miles of tourist attractions Objective 4.3 Increase and improve passenger and freight access to airports and seaports Highway lane and centerline miles within .5 miles of MIA, Opa- -Locka, HGAA, and Port of Miami Transit service route miles within 0.5 miles of MIA, Opa-Locka, Homestead General Aviation Airport (HGAA), and Port of Miami Number of transit patrons going to/from the airports and seaport Objective 4.4 Augment multimodal access to major activity centers Highway lane and centerline miles within .5 miles of major activity centers Transit service route miles within 0.5 miles of major activity centers Objective 4.5 Enhance the efficient movement of freight and goods Does the plan consider freight-specific infrastructure improvements/programs? Objective 4.6 Implement projects that support economic development and redevelopment areas Highway lane and centerline miles within .5 miles of redevelopment areas Transit service route miles within 0.5 miles of redevelopment areas Objective 4.7 Plan and develop transportation systems to provide adequate connectivity to economically productive rural areas Highway lane and centerline miles within .5 miles of rural activity centers Objective 4.8 Invest in Port Miami infrastructure to further increase competitiveness for Post Panamax traffic Percentage of funding dedicated to Port of Miami infrastructure improvements Objective 4.9 Expand cargo-handling and related intermodal facilities to the optimum extent Percentage of funding dedicated to intermodal access to Port of Miami and Miami International Airport MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040