Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Performance Measures National Freight Priority MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 2 | Planning for a Shared Future EYES ON THE FUTURE | 2-5 MAP-21 consolidated some programs and eliminated others to make more financial resources and greater flexibility available to states and metropolitan areas to invest in their prioritized transportation needs. With respect to the long range planning process and requirements, MAP-21 maintained previously established planning factors established by the SAFETEA-LU. There are new provisions in MAP-21, including a focus on streamlining project delivery, measuring system performance, and prioritizing freight improvements. The general theme running through these new focus areas is an outcome-oriented planning process. The actual implementation of the LRTP includes a series of processes that in past LRTP updates had not addressed in detail. The MPO has recently instituted a new program called“MPO Program Priorities”, whereby the MPO sets improvement priorities on a yearly basis, encouraging implementing agencies to enact those priorities and commit to delivering improvements. In addition to the MPO Program Priorities, the final chapter of this plan includes a project delivery strategy that is focused on the ends (transportation improvements) rather than just the means (planning). The national emphasis on freight mirrors Miami-Dade County’s emphasis on freight over the last several years, with the construction of the Port Tunnel and Deep Harbor Dredge projects. The Miami-Dade MPO for years has emphasized the importance of freight through the activities of the Freight Technical Advisory Committee (FTAC), which is made up of public agency and private freight industry stakeholders. The MPO staffs this committee and relies on its expert membership to help guide the County’s investment in freight infrastructure. Another key element of the 2040 Plan related to freight is the establishment of a financial set-aside specifically for freight, ensuring a dedicated source of funding in the plan for freight-related infrastructure improvements. The performance monitoring program envisioned by MAP-21 involves the identification of metrics, performance targets for those metrics, and the measurement of the transportation system performance against the metrics. This strengthens the project delivery process by instituting an outcome-oriented process directly related to improvement of the system, in a quantifiable way. The specific requirement outlined in MAP-21 involves the adoption of performance measures and targets at the federal level, state level, and metropolitan level, in that order. This is intended to ensure a consistent process and results. While the schedule for this process extends beyond the timeframe of the 2040 update process, with State performance targets not due to be adopted until April 2015, FDOT has proactively outlined draft state level measures in advance of the federal government and the 2040 Plan reflects a quantitative metric-driven process. Upon completion of the performance measure definitions by FHWA, FDOT will have one year to define the state level performance measures. Once the State performance measures are completed, MPO’s will have 180 days to complete their own performance measures, for the purpose of implementing the performance measures at both the State and Federal levels. Miami-Dade MPO intends to amend the local performance measures into the 2040 Plan through an administrative amendment process. Streamlining Project Delivery New Areas of Focus for MAP-21 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act