Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Federal, State, And Local/Regional Plans The LRTP Steering Committee reviewed plans from federal, state, and local/regional levels of government to ensure consistency between the LRTP goals and objectives and those of the various plans and policies. The primary reason for this review is to comply with the federal rules and regulations that govern the LRTP update process and content. In addition, the LRTP is a collabora- tive effort that includes all implementing transportation agencies, as well as other planning agencies within the region and the County. As such, consistency with other plans and policies that affect transportation issues is important. Policies and priorities from other agencies’ plans must be considered, if not included in the LRTP process, as relevant. Figure 2-3 identifies the plans reviewed as part of this process. MAP-21 National Goals Signed in 2012, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) is the first long-term federal highway authorization enacted since its precursor Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) in 2005. MAP-21 provides the policy guidance to update long range transportation plans in addition to providing funding for planning and implementing transportation improve- ments projects. MAP-21 emphasizes a streamlined, performance-based multimodal program to address the many challenges of improving safety, maintaining infrastructure condition, reducing traffic congestion, improving system efficiency and freight movement, protecting the environment, and reducing delays in project delivery. The goals and objectives set forth in MAP-21 are shown in Figure 2-4. The "Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014" (H.R. 5021) was signed by President Obama on August 8, 2014 extending MAP-21 funding from September 30, 2014 (when MAP-21 was set to expire) through May 31, 2015. MAP-21 made ava i lable $105 billion of funds for surface transportation programs nationally. Figure 2-3 | Federal, State, and Local/Regional Plans Reviewed Figure 2-4 | MAP-21 National Performance Goals $105 billion 2-4 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Local/Regional Plans 2060 Florida Transportation Plan - 2010 Strategic Intermodal System Plan - 2014 Strategic Highway Safety Plan - 2012 Six Pillars 20-Year Strategic Plan - 2012 State Health Improvement Plan - 2012 State Plans MAP-21 National Goals - 2012 Creating Equitable, Healthy, Sustainable Communities - 2013 Federal Plans MAP-21 National Performance Goals Goal 2 - Infrastructure Condition To maintainthe highwayinfrastructureasset system in a state of good repair. Goal 1 - Safety To achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. Goal 3 - Congestion Reduction To achieve a significant reduction in congestionon the National Highway System. Goal 4 - System Reliability To improve the efficiency of the surface transportation system. Goal 5 - Freight Movement and Economic Vitality To improvethe national freight network,strengthenthe ability of rural communities to access national and international trade markets, and support regional economic development. Goal 6 - Environmental Sustainability To enhance the performance of the transportation system while protecting and enhancing the natural environment. Goal 7 - Reduced Project Delivery Delays To reduceproject costs, promotejobs and the economy, and expedite the movement of people and goods by accelerating project completion through eliminating delays in the project developmentand delivery process, including reducing regulatory burdens and improving agencies' work practices. 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan - 2009 2035 Regional Long Range Transportation Plan - 2009 Southeast Florida Regional Climate Action Plan - 2009 Greenprint: Our Design for Sustainable Future - 2010 One Community One Goal Strategic Plan - 2010 Comprehensive Development Master Plan - 2011 Port of Miami 2035 Master Plan - 2011 2040 LRTP: Compliance Requirements - 2013 Seven50 Southeast Florida Prosperity Plan