Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 Chapter 2 | Planning for a Shared Future Figure 2-2 | Goals Snapshot GOAL 1 GOAL 2 GOAL 3 GOAL 4 GOAL 5 GOAL 6 GOAL 7 GOAL 8 IMPROVE SYSTEM & TRAVEL INCREASE SECURITY INCREASE SAFETY SUPPORT ECONOMIC VITALITY PROTECT & PRESERVE ENVIRONMENT & QUALITY OF LIFE ENHANCE CONNECTIVITY OPTIMIZE SOUND INVESTMENT STRATEGIES PRESERVE EXISTING SYSTEM - Reduce roadway & multi-modal crashes - Improve safety on facilities & in operations - Provide safe & easy pedestrian & non-motorized travel - Enhance the capacity of evacuation corridors - Ensure options are available during emergency evacuations - Ensure security of ports, airports, & multi-modal centers - Increase access to employment sites - Enhance the efficient movement of freight & goods - Support economic development - Support livable rural & urban communities - Minimize impacts to established neighborhoods & historic areas - Minimize & mitigate impacts of transportation on air & water quality - Improve connectivity to intermodal facilities - Provide options consistent with the plans of local government - Improve movement of goods by intermodal access & connectivity - Maximize state, federal, & private funding sources - Provide options consistent with the plans of local governments - Establish strong linkages with Southeast Florida governments to plan infrastructure - Repair & maintain existing infrastructure - Use the best technologies & innovations to improve the system - Reserve corridors for future facilities & services - Reduce Congestion - Enhance mobility for people & freight - Promote system reliability & fill transit services gaps 25 8 3 12 14 14 12 12 “public participation is vital in goal definition” EYES ON THE FUTURE | 2-3 GOAL # # Goal Objectives Sample Goal Objectives Sample Goal Objectives Sample TITLE Goal Weight GOAL KEY