Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
INCREASE SECURITY INCREASE SAFETY SUPPORT ECONOMIC VITALITY PROTECT & PRESERVE ENVIRONMENT & QUALITY OF LIFE ENHANCE CONNECTIVITY OPTIMIZE SOUND INVESTMENT STRATEGIES PRESERVE EXISTING SYSTEM IMPROVE SYSTEM & TRAVEL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES SNAPSHOT The eight LRTP goals are intended to maintain Miami-Dade County’s status as a top-100 global city and to improve the County’s transportation system, keeping pace with the expected growth in demand for transportation services in the County. Each goal includes supporting objectives that provide measurable actions. These objectives also provide the basis for measures to assess plan performance. This chapter outlines the goals, objectives, and measures of effectiveness developed in the preliminary stages of the LRTP update process. The 2040 LRTP goals and objectives were established through building on the previous LRTP (2035), extensive public input, and refinement based on a comprehensive review of federal, state, and local plans by the LRTP Steering Committee. The public involvement process utilized in the development of the goals and objectives, more thoroughly discussed in Chapter 4, consisted of a survey of participants’ priorities and opinions concerning the desired direction of transportation system improvements in Miami-Dade County. During public involvement workshops, participants had the opportunity to analyze population and employment growth, existing conditions, and to consider future county conditions. Participants were then presented with a draft list of goals and objectives and voted for those goals they believed to be most significant to their lives. The goal prioritization process represents one of the key refinements of the 2040 update to the LRTP. While all eight goals are critical pieces of the puzzle, they do not necessarily carry the same weight in people’s commuting decisions and habits, as was evident in the public workshop results. The weighting of the goals enabled a quantitative evaluation of candidate transportation improvements in the development of the 2040 Plan, whereby candidate projects were evaluated individually against each goal. The eight individual project scores were then multiplied by the respective goal weights to obtain a weighted project evaluation score, which is described in more detail later in this chapter. Figure 2-1 is a depiction of the goal weights, clearly defining Goal 1: Improve System and Travel as the most important goal and Goal 3: Improve Security as the least important goal. While the variation in the most and least important goals is considerable, the remainder of the goals are more or less evenly weighted. Figure 2-2 provides a snapshot of the eight goals, their numerical weights, and a summary of objectives under each goal. The rest of this chapter includes a review of the Federal, State, regional, and local plans, policies and guidance documents reviewed in preparing the 2040 goals and objectives; a description of the goal weighting process; a detailed explanation of how the goals and objectives were used to evaluate transportation improvements; and a comprehensive summary of the goals, objectives, and measures. 2-2 | MOBILITY OPTIONS GOAL 1: GOAL 2: GOAL 3: GOAL 4: GOAL 5: GOAL 6: GOAL 7: GOAL 8: Figure 2-1 | Goal Weight Comparison