Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
Chapter Overview In 2012-2013, Miami was ranked a top-100 global city by 2thinknow ® as part of their Innovation Cities Program, an index classification system based on cities’ “potential for creation, implementation and communication of ideas in their urban economies.” Miami is classified by 2thinknow as a HUB city, defined as “Dominance or influence on key economic and social innovative segments, based on global trends.” Maintaining the Global Hub status requires that Miami-Dade County foster the backbone of its economy, its transportation system and to do so requires a plan that is goal-driven. Goals represent the desired effect of a process or effort. Objectives represent a more detailed or actionable version or subset of goals. Together, the LRTP goals and objectives represent the guiding direction to which every other part of the LRTP process aims. As such, the goals and objectives are a critical part of the planning process. In the words of Yogi Berra “If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else”. While it is difficult to envision the future and even more difficult to realize that vision, it is nevertheless important to chart a course based on principles. This LRTP is guided by eight goals and 63 objectives, each of which represent a specific element of how the transportation system should evolve, or in some cases, be preserved, over the next 20 years. Each objective was carefully designed to enable measurement of both the plan’s adherence to the goals and objectives, in terms of the types of projects that are in the plan, and also the performance of the transportation system after plan adoption. The formulation of the LRTP goals and objectives is a process involving extensive stakeholder involvement by the 23 members that make up the MPO Governing Board, the 17 county and municipal agency directors that make up the Transportation Planning Council, the 25 planning agency staff comprising the LRTP Steering Committee, and the general public. EYES ON THE FUTURE | 2-1 CHAPTER SUBSECTIONS Chapter Overview Federal, State, and Local/Regional Plans LRTP Goals Goals and Objective Measures “Planning for a Shared Future” Goals and Objectives