Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
Appendices MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 EYES ON THE FUTURE | G-29 Project Limits From Limits To Description Purpose and Needs Statement US-1 Managed Lanes SW 344 St (Palm) Dadeland South Metrorail Station Add 2 plus 1 reversible new managed lanes within the right-of-way of the US- 1 Busway This project contemplates new mixed-traffic managed lanes within the ROW of the US-1 Busway corridor in addition to and separate from the Bus lanes. The length of the project will be determined by its financial feasibility. The project consists of grade separations (overpasses) at all intersecting streets to provide a new variable-priced travel option for all travelers. The project is expected to enhance current bus transit service along the Busway by improving travel time and opportunities for enhanced operations. The managed lanes will be toll-free for transit buses, will not preclude future metrorail extension to the South, will retain the bus lanes and the Bike path and will keep the US-1 highway toll-free.