Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

G-24| MOBILITY OPTIONS Project Limits From Limits To Purpose and Needs Statement Beach Connection (Baylink) Miami Downtown Terminal Miami Beach Convention Center Premium transit service Improve regional and local connectivity. Improve the speed, reliability, comfort and convenience of transit. Serve new markets and support economic vitality. Douglas Road Corridor BRT(SW 27/37 Ave) Dedicated Lanes US-1 Miami Intermodal Center (MIC) Full bus rapid transit Provide an enhanced regional connection and serve new markets. Improve the speed, reliability, image, comfort and convenience of transit. Golden Glades Multimodal Terminal (Phase 2) Parking-and-ride facility with 1,800 space garage and ground floor retail Improve quality, safety, convenience, comfort & accessibility. Serve new markets and increase system integration. Enhance regional connectivity. Support Express Bus Network. I-95 South of SR-836 (Dolphin)/I-395 This project will complete the porition Miami-Dade porition of the I-95 Express special use lanes project that has already been (or is currently) constructed from SR 112 to the Golden Glades Interchange. This improvement is needed to improve mobility on I-95 and to provide mobility opitions to users of I-95. The project will also improve regional connecitivity and add capacity to an emergency evacuation corridor. Partially Funded Broward County Line Description