Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

G-22| MOBILITY OPTIONS Project Limits From Limits To Description Purpose and Needs Statement SW 42 St SW 162 Ave SW 157 Ave Add 2 lanes and reconstruct This project will widen SW 42 St from SW 162 Av to SW 157 Ave to 4 lanes, providing needed mobility improvements on SW 42 St. SW 82 Ave Tamiami Canal New bridge over Tamiami Canal This project will provide a north/south connection across the Tamiami Canal at SW 82 Ave. This project is funded for planning/design in the 2010 TIP. US-1 SW 27 Ave Grade separation of US-1 over SW 27 Ave The pupose of this project is to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion in the US-1 corridor. The grade separation will allow additional green time to be given to north/south movements and to turning movements. US-1 SW 344 St (Palm) Grade separated overpass Evaluate operational improvements for a grade separated overpass. This location links US-1 to the Turnpike which is the primary evacuation route for the Florida Keys and Southern Miami-Dade County. US-27 (Okechobee)/ SR-826 (Palmetto) Interchange Ramp improvements The purpose of the project is to improve vehicular and freight traffic flow between Okeechobee Road and the Palmetto Expressway (SR-826). Three added fly over ramps will reduce traffic at signalized intersections within the interchange, and improve the interchange operations. As a result, there will be a significant traffic flow improvement on Okeechobee Rd.