Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
Appendices MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 EYES ON THE FUTURE | G-21 Project Limits From Limits To Description Purpose and Needs Statement SW 152 St (Coral Reef) SR-821 (HEFT) US-1 Add 2 lanes and reconstruct SW 157 Ave SW 8 St (Tamiami) SW 42 St Add 2 lanes and construct new 4 lane road This project will widen SW 157 Ave from SW 42 St SW 8 St to 4 lanes providing needed mobility improvements on SW 157 Ave. SW 312 St (Campbell) NW 14 Ave/SW 176 Ave SW 197 Av Add 2 lanes and reconstruct This project will widen SW 312 St from SW 197 Ave to NW 14 Ave and from SW 176 Ave to HEFT to 6 lanes providing needed mobility improvements on SW 312 St. SW 40 St SW 157 Ave SW 167 Ave New 2 lane road construction The primary purpose of this project is to study the need for additional east-west traffic capacity to accommodate projected traffic in the long-term horizon by operational/capacity improvements that may include the widening the corridor to six-lanes consistent with the Miami-Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP) – Transportation Element. The secondary purpose is to address transit, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities planning along the corridor. The corridor currently carries between 31,500 to 38,000 vehicles per day operating nearly at Level of Service D based upon FDOT’s 2012 Generalized Level of Service (LOS) Tables. The corridor was identified as a highway need as part of the 2035 Miami-Dade Transportation Plan, but not included in the 2035 Cost Feasible Plan. This project will include 2 lanes along SW 42 St from SW 167 Ave to SW 162 Ave, providing needed mobility improvements on SW 42 St.