Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

G-14| MOBILITY OPTIONS Project Limits From Limits To Description Purpose and Needs Statement SR-836 (Dolphin) Managed Lanes SR-826 (Palmetto)/ SR- 836 (Dolphin) Just West of 27 Ave Two new managed lanes within the right-of-way of SR-836 (Dolphin) This project contemplates new managed lanes within the ROW of SR-836 (Dolphin) from SR-826 (Palmetto) east to approximately NW 27 Ave. Together with the improvements on SR-836 (Dolphin) west of SR-826 (Palmetto), this project will provide a value priced east/ west travel option to enhance mobility in the County by addressing the demand associated with the growing employment centers at the Miami International Airport, the Port of Miami and downtown Miami. Providing for managed lanes along this facility will enhance level of service for all modes along the corridors. SR-836 (Dolphin) Managed Lanes SR-821 (HEFT) SR-826 (Palmetto)/SR-836 (Dolphin) Interchange Two new managed lanes within the ROW of SR-836 (Dolphin) This project contemplates new managed lanes within the median of SR-836 (Dolphin) from SR-826 (Palmetto) west to the HEFT. Together with the improvements on SR-836 (Dolphin) east of SR- 826 (Palmetto), this project will provide a value priced east/west travel option to enhance mobility in the County by addressing the demand associated with the growing employment centers at the Miami International Airport, the Port of Miami and downtown Miami. Providing for managed lanes along this facility will enhance level of service for all modes along the corridors. SW 107 Ave Quail Roost Dr SW 160 St Add 2 lanes and reconstruct This project will widen SW 107 Ave from Quail Roost Drive to SW 160 St to 4 lanes, providing needed mobility improvements on SW 107 Ave. SW 147 Ave SW 184 St (Eureka) Add 2 lanes and reconstruct This project will widen SW 147 Ave from SW 184 St to SW 152 St to 4 lanes, providing needed mobility improvements on SW 147 Ave. SW 152 Ave US-1 SW 312 St (Campbell) This project will widen SW 152 Ave from SW 312 St to S Dixie Highway to 4 lanes, providing needed mobility improvements on SW 152 Ave. SW 152 St (Coral Reef) Add 2 lanes and reconstruct