Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Appendices EYES ON THE FUTURE | G-7 Project Limits From Limits To Description Purpose and Needs Statement NW 12 St NW 107 Ave SR-826 (Palmetto) Widening This is an important freight mobility project which will provide improved access and connectivity to Miami International Airport air cargo operations, both the Dolphin and Palmetto Expressways, and the NW 25 Street warehousing corridor. The NW 12 St corridor currently experiences severe peak hour congestion and causes long delays for freight movements and other users. The project will require PD&E. NW 122 Ave NW 12 St NW 41 St New 2 lane road to support the flow of truck traffic from SR-821 (HEFT) Alleviate truck traffic in this area and to improve movement from a the propsed truck parking facility to the HEFT. NW 20 St NW 27th Ave I-95 Roadway infrastructure improvements This project will construct a median on NW 20 St from NW 27 Ave to I-95. The project is needed to manage congestion on NW 20 St by limiting access to the facility. NW 25 St NW 89 Ct SR-821 (HEFT) Capacity and operational improvements The need for this project is that additonal capacity is needed to accommodate future traffic demand due to the new viaduct from MIA to NW 82 Ct bringing additional truck traffic to NW 25 St traveling west. NW 79 Ave NW 48 Way NW 36 St Merge & reduce access points if possible. Move access points of businesses to side Sts. This is a needed low cost freight operational improvement, identified in the Freight Plan Update, that may not require PD&E, and may be able to go directly to design. NW 82 Ave NW 8th St NW 12 St New 4 lane road construction This project will add a new 4 lane road from NW 8th Street to NW 12th Street providing needed mobility improvements on NW 82 Ave. NW South River Dr NW 107 Ave NW 74 Ave Roadway and operational improvements This is a needed low cost freight operational improvement, identified in the Freight Plan Update, that may not require PD&E, and may be able to go directly to design. MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040