Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

F-2| MOBILITY OPTIONS Measures of Effectiveness (MOE) are a quantifiable assessment of a plan which simplifies interpretation of how well the plan performs. MOEs allow an at-a-glance understanding of how well the plan is performing compared to a baseline reading. TheseMOEs provide an idea of how the adopted planwill impact various system level features of the transportation system. Population and employment growth are the demographic variables that will increase the demand on the transportation system. Miami-Dade County, the most populous county in Florida with close to 2.5 million residents in 2010, is projected to grow by 33% to over 3.3 million residents in 2040. The employment is also projected to grow, from 1.4 million to just over 2 million representing a 45% growth. This increase in population and employment is projected to add over 3 million trips (34% increase) to the transportation system producing a 37% increase in both in the Vehicles Miles Traveled (VMT) and Vehicle Hours Traveled (VHT). Lane miles and transit revenue miles represent the supply of the transportation system. Based on the Investments in the 2040 Plan, highway lanes miles and transit revenue miles will increase by 11% and 21%, respectively. The performance of the transportation system can be measured by peak period speed (speed during rush hour), percent of lanes miles with congested conditions causing a breakdown of traffic flow (LOS F), and transit boardings. The projected performance based on the projected growth and proposed investments are: ƒ ƒ Peak Period Speed - projected to decrease 0.5 mph from 23.8 mph to 23.3 mph. The result is a very slight reduction of peak period speeds by 2% ƒ ƒ Percent of lanes miles with congested conditions causing a breakdown of traffic flow (LOS F) – projected to increase slightly by 1% ƒ ƒ Transit Boardings – will increase 40% The MOE’s provide the data for the comparison of our existing transportation system to our planned future transportation system. The MOE’s allow us to come to the conclusion that even with the significant levels of additional population and employment growth, and the growth in trips, there are only very modest negative impacts to peak period speeds and congested lane miles. Based on the projected performance, the planned transportation improvements are proportional to the projected growth on the transportation system. The investments in the 2040 Plan will accommodate the projected growth without a significant impact on highway congestion and with a significant positive impact to transit. Miami-Dade Demographic and Performance - Percent Change from 2010 to 2040 Cost Feasible Plan Attribute Year 2010 Year 2040 Percent Change from from 2010 Demographics and Trips Population 2,494,310 3,305,377 33% Employment 1,416,227 2,054,534 45% Daily Trips 1 9,436,610 12,613,756 34% Transportation System Lane Miles 5,797 6,442 11% Transit Revenue Miles 110,937 134,103 21% Performance Work Trip Length (miles) 8.86 7.92 -11% Vehicle Miles Traveled 2 41,771,033 57,243,299 37% Vehicle Hours Traveled 2 1,487,343 2,035,220 37% Peak Period Speed (mph) 23.84 23.29 -2% % Lane Miles with LOS F 22.3% 23.4% 1% Transit Boardings 306,161 429,390 40% 1 Only trips within Miami-Dade County 2 VMT and VHT account for all trips that use highway facilities in Miami-Dade County