Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

E-20| MOBILITY OPTIONS 2014 Congestion Management Process Update Cambridge Systematics , Inc. (9) Access Management Strategies Strategies/Projects Left Turn Restrictions; Curb Cut and Driveway Restrictions Turning vehicles can impede traffic flow and are more likely to be involved in crashes. Turn lanes and New or Relocated Driveways and Exit Ramps In some situations, increasing or modifying access to a property can be more beneficial than reducing access. Interchange Modifications Conversion of a full cloverleaf interchange to a partial cloverleaf, for example, reduces weaving sections on a freeway. Roadway Restrictions Closes access during rush hours (AM and PM peak hours) and aids in the increase of safety levels through the prevention of accidents at problem intersections. This measure may be effective along mainline segments of a highway, which operate at poor service levels. Access Control to Available Development Sites Coordination of access points to available development sites allows for less interference in traffic flow during construction and/or operation of new developments . Intersection turn lanes Additional left-turn or right-turn lanes that separate turning vehicles from through-traffic . Roundabout intersections An intersection modification that does not use traffic signal or stop sign controls. Provides continuous movement via entrance and exit lanes to/from a typically circular distribution roadway . Frontage Roads and Collector-Distributor Roads Frontage roads can be used to direct local traffic to major intersections on both super arterials and freeways. Collector-distributor roads are used to separate exiting, merging, and weaving traffic from through traffic at closely spaced interchanges. New grade separated intersections An overpass or underpass for one roadway to avoid intersecting with a cross-street .