Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
E-14| MOBILITY OPTIONS 2014 Congestion Management Process Update Cambridge Systematics, Inc. (6) Transit Strategies Strategies/Projects Enhanced Transit Amenities Includes vehicle replacement/upgrade, which furthers the benefits of increased transit use . Realigned Transit Service Schedules and Stop Locations Service adjustments to better align transit service with ridership markets . Improved Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities at Transit Stations Includes improvements to facilities that provide access to transit stops as well as provisions for bicycles on transit vehicles and at transit stops (bicycle racks and lockers) . Reducing Transit Fares This encourages additional transit use, to the extent that high fares are a real barrier to transit . Employer Incentive Programs Encourages additional transit use through transit subsidies of mass transit fares provided by employers . Electronic Payment Systems and Universal Farecards Interchangeable smartcard payment system (including RFID) that can be used as a fare payment method for multiple transit agencies throughout the region . Intelligent Transit Stops Ranges from kiosks, which show static transit schedules, to real-time information on schedules, locations of transit vehicles, arrival time of the vehicle, and alternative routes and modes . Electronic fare collection Equipment that allows riders to electronically pay a transit fare by using credit, debit and magnetic fare cards . Express Bus Service Expansion Bus service with high-speed operations, usually between two commuter points. Local circulator expansion Fixed-route service within an activity area, such as a CBD or campus, designed to reduce short trips by car. Implementing Rail Transit This best serves dense urban centers where travelers can walk to their destinations. Rail transit from suburban areas can sometimes be enhanced by providing Park-and-Ride lots. New Fixed Guideway Transit Travelways • Exclusive guideways (e.g. light rail, heavy/commuter ra il) and street travelways (e.g. 16th Street Mall, bus rapid transit (BRT)) devoted to increasing the person-carrying capacity within a travel corridor (see section 3.F. for information on HOV lanes) Increasing Bus Route Coverage or Frequencies This provides better accessibility to transit to a greater share of the population. Increasing frequency makes transit more attractive to use. May require investment in new buses which would create a capital cost per passenger trip. May also include new routes or extensions to existing routes. Dedicated Rights-of-Way for Transit Reserved travel lanes or rights-of-way for transit operations, including use of shoulders during peak periods . BRT High-capacity, highly efficient bus service designed to compete with rail in terms of quality of service.