Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Appendices MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 EYES ON THE FUTURE | E-11 Congestion and Mobility Bene ts Costs Implementation Timeframe • Reduce work VMT • Increase non -auto mode shares L • Short -term: 1 to 5 years • Reduce work VMT • Increase vehicle occupancy L • Short -term: 1 to 5 years • Increase peak period capacity • Reduce travel time and congestion on arterials • Increase HOV and bus mode shares M • Short -term: 1 to 5 years (includes planning, engineering, and implementation) • Increase transit use and ridesharing • Decrease V MT M • Medium -term: 5 to 10 years • Decrease congestion on local streets • Some peak -period travel and mode shift M • Shor t -term: 1 to 5 years • Reduce VMT • Increase transit and non -motorized mode shares NA • Long -term: 10 or more years • Generate revenue to maintain its system and to address transportation improvements regionwide • Reduce congestion in corridors and systems • Promote tr ansit, biking, and walking • Increase access to and increase use of alternative modes NA • Medium-term Implementation should take between 3 to 10 years.