Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

E-10| MOBILITY OPTIONS 2014 Congestion Management Process Update Cambridge Systematics, Inc. (4) Parking Strategies Strategies/Projects Employer/Landlord Parking Agreements Employers can negotiate leases so that they pay only for the number of spaces used by employees. In turn, employers can pass along parking savings by purchasing transit passes or reimbursing non-driving employees with the cash equivalent of a parking space . Preferential or Free Parking for HOVs and Parking Management Strategies include reducing the availability of free parking spaces, particularly in congested areas, or providing preferential or free parking for HOVs. This provides an incentive for workers to carpool. On-Street Parking and Standing Restrictions Enforcement of existing regulations can substantially improve traffic flow in urban areas. Peak-period parking prohibitions can free up extra general pu rpose travel lanes or special us e or HOV “diamond” lanes. Park and Ride Lots Park-and-Ride lots provide parking in areas that are convenient to other modes of transportation, and are commonly located adjacent to train stations, bus lines, or HOV lane facilities. Real Time Parking Availability Information Helps drivers find or reserve parking using real-time information about the status of parking availability. Location-Specific Parking Ordinances Parking requirements can be adjusted for factors such as availability of transit, a mix of land uses, or pedestrian-oriented development that may reduce the need for on-site parking. This encourages transit-oriented and mixed-use development. Local and Regional Excise Taxes A flat fee-per-space on parking spaces provided by businesses designed to discourage automobile-dependent development, encourage more efficient land use, and - to the extent the fees are passed on to parkers -encourage non-motorized and transit choices. The revenue generated by such a tax (on parking spaces, not their use) could be used for transit and other transportation investments not eligible for highway dollars.