Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Appendices MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 EYES ON THE FUTURE | E-9 Congestion and Mobility Bene ts Costs Implementation Timeframe • Increase walk trips • Decrease SOV trips • Decrease in VMT • Decrease vehicle hours of travel L • Long -term: 10 or more years • Decrease SOV • Increase transit, walk, and bicycle • Doubling density decreases VMT per household • Medium/high vehicle trip reductions • Air quality benefit to densification L • Long -term: 10 or more years • Less motor vehicle use through greater bicycling, walking and transit use • Related health benefits and economic savings via less infrastructure needs • Reduce VMT • Reduce SOV trips • Increase alternative modes share M Short- to long-term • Small -scale retrofit practices, re-zonings or comprehensive plan amendments can be done in a short to moderate timeframe. Regional-scale policy changes may take a long time to adopt and result in development changes on the ground and integration with transportation systems. • Decrease SOV share • Shift carpool to transit • Increase transit trips • Decrease VMT • Decrease in vehicle trips • Increase transit mode share NA • Long -term: 10 or more years • Reduce VMT • Reduce SOV trips • Increase alternative modes share • Increase transit mode share NA • Employer -based • Short -term: 1 to 5 years •