Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

E-8| MOBILITY OPTIONS 2014 Congestion Management Process Update Cambridge Systematics, Inc. (3) Land Use Strategies Strategies/Projects Mixed-Use Development This allows many trips to be made without automobiles. People can walk to restaurants and services rather than use their vehicles . Infill and Densification This takes advantage of infrastructure that already exists, rather than building new infrastructure on the fringes of the urban area. Efficient land use and development practices • Areawide policies and strategies that result in a more transportation-efficient regional development pattern (e.g. urban growth boundary) • Localized planning, zoning, ordinances and site approval strategies that result in more transportation-efficient developments (e.g. mixed-land-uses, higher density, urban centers, well connected transit, pedestrian and bicycling facilities) Transit-Oriented Development This clusters housing units and/or businesses near transit stations in walkable communities. Transportation Management Associations Nonprofit, member-controlled organizations that provide transportation services in a particular area, such as a commercial district, mall, medical center, or industrial park. They are generally public-private partnerships consisting primarily of area businesses with local government support.