Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Appendices MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 EYES ON THE FUTURE | E-7 Congestion and Mobility Bene ts Costs Implementation Timeframe • Reduce peak -period VMT • Improve travel time among participants • Reduction in SOV trips (maybe modify with "during peak") L • Employer -based • Short -term: 1 to 5 years • Reduce VMT • Reduce SOV trips • Fewer drivers during morning and afternoon rush hours. • Increased employee productivity, improved employee retention and recruitment, reduced overhead costs and lower demand for physical office and parking space • Decreased commuting time and expenses for employees L • Employer -based • Short -term: 1 to 5 years • Fewer single -occupant vehicles on the road and less overall traffic congestion • Lower commuting co sts L • Short -term • Air Quality Bene t Medium • Positive user impacts L • Immediate • Reduce VMT • Reduce SOV trips • Lower commuting cost L • Immediate • Reduce work VMT • Reduce SOV trips • Lower commuting costs • Reduce parking congestion • Promote transit, biking and walking M • Employer -based • Short -term: 1 to 5 years • Decrease peak period VMT • Decrease SOV trips M • Short -term: 1 to 5 years • Decrease work VMT • Decrease SOV trips H • Employer -based • Short -term: 1 to 5 years • Generate revenue to maintain its system and to address transportation improvements regionwide • Reduce congestion in corridors and systems • Provide travel time savings to users of the system H • Mid-term (3 to 10 years) for implementation • Long term (11+ years) before strategy becomes effective