Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

E-6 | MOBILITY OPTIONS 2014 Congestion Management Process Update Cambridge Systematics, Inc. (2) Travel Demand Management (TDM) Strategies Strategies/Projects Alternative Work Hours This allows workers to arrive and leave work outside of the traditional commute period. It can be on a scheduled basis or a true flex- time arrangement. Can also include a compressed work week. Telecommuting This involves employees to work at home or regional telecommute center instead of going into the office. They might do this all the time, or only one or more days per week. Also include teleconferencing and videoconferencing. Alternative travel mode events and assistance • Variety of events that promote, encourage and educate people about alternative travel modes (e.g. Bike to Work Day, RideSmart Thursdays and employer transportation fairs) • Programs that provide free or low-cost transit services (e.g. EcoPass) or other incentives Public Education Campaigns E.g. driving habits, trip chaining, idle reduction, jackrabbit starts, Clean the Air Challenge . Commuter Services Please note that the costs and impacts are statistics between Oct. 1st 2007 and Sept. 30th 2008 - in December 2008, the 95 Express Lanes opened, so the statistics are likely over-estimates of the benefits of commuter services. Ridesharing This is typically arranged/encouraged through employers or transportation management agencies, which provides ride-matching services. Programs to promote carpooling and vanpooling, including ridematching services and policies that give ridesharing vehicles priority in traffic and parking. Road Pricing Involves pricing facilities to encourage off-peak or HOV travel, and includes time-variable congestions pricing and cordon (area) tolls, high occupancy/ toll (HOT) lanes, and vehicle-use fees . Guaranteed Ride Home Policies Provides a guaranteed ride home at no cost to the employee in the event an employee or a member of their immediate family becomes ill or injured, requiring the employee to leave work . Non-traditional toll roads For non-traditional toll roads, travelers choose to pay for passage on roads. They are implemented similarly to traditional toll roads, but with non-traditional implementation: • Managed Lanes – A toll lane or lanes designed to increase freeway efficiency through a combination of operational and design actions; and • HOT Lanes – High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) toll lanes that allow a limited number of low-occupancy vehicles to use the lane if a fee is paid. Typically free for HOVs.