Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Appendices MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 EYES ON THE FUTURE | E-5 Congestion and Mobility Bene ts Costs Implementation Timeframe • Increased capability for regional -level coordination of operations and traveler information. M Medium- to long-term • Small -scale items and opportunistic expansion can be done quickly. Larger-scale regional network components require more time for planning and funding. • More satis ed customers and increased ridership due to enhanced and reliable information sources • Improved op erations and management of transit service M Medium • Time is required for detailed planning, design and funding procurement • Reduced bus travel delays due to tra c signals and tra c congestion • Reduced bus travel delays due to tr affic signals and traffic congestion • Improved operational e ciency of transit service within a corridor • Increased ridership and reduced congestion due to time savings • Safer driving conditions for all vehicles due to fewer severe and sudden lane changes by buses • Increased ridership and reduced congestion due to time savings • Safer driving conditions for all vehicles due to fewer severe and sudden lane changes by buses M Short-term: 1 to 5 years • All phases– planning, engineering and implementing – a queue-jump lane can be reasonably completed in less than one year. • Longer time is needed if new lane must be constructed • Increase peak direction capacity • Red uce peak travel times • Improve mobility H • Short -term: 1 to 5 years • Reduced pollution and congestion within the cordon area • Revenues for roadway maintenance and new transit, bicycle and pedestrian facilities • Over all reduced congestion due to less VMT • Provide incentive to use transit, bike, or walk H Medium- to long-term • Extensive time is required for the entire process including political and public discussions, possible ballot measures, construction and implementation