Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014
E-4 | MOBILITY OPTIONS Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Strategies/Projects Communications networks and roadway surveillance coverage • Base infrastructure ( ber, cameras, etc.) required to support all operational activities • Communications networks that allow remote roadway survei llance and system control from a TMC and provision of data for immediate management of transportation operations and distribution of information Transit vehicle travel information Communications infrastructure, GPS technology, vehicle detection/monitoring devices and signs/media/Internet sites for providing information to the public such as the arrival times of the next vehicles . Transit intersection queue jump lanes and signal priority • Additional travel lane at a signalized intersection that allows buses to proceed via their own “green -time” before other vehicles • Done by restriping within existing road footprint or this may require construction Reversible Traffic Lanes These are appropriate where traffic flow is highly directional. Cordon area congestion fees An established cordon area or zone in which vehicles are charged a fee to enter. Such a fee can be variable (by time of day) or dynamic (based on real-time congestion conditions). Should include electronic payment/collection methods using cameras or transponders . 2014 Congestion Management Process Update