Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Appendices MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 EYES ON THE FUTURE | D-3 CMP Corridors/Hotspots CMP Strategies snoitacinummoC krowteN networks and roadway surveillance coverage Speed harmonization/queue warning on I-95 and I-195 Roadway signage improvements on ramps from I-195 to I-95 Access management Widen the road and bridge to at least three lanes to provide at a minimum, a turn lane for the turning vehicles Signal timing optimization Access management and intersection improvement at Watson Island Signal timing optimization Intersection improvements at NW 29th St and NW 42nd Ave Access improvements Intersection at Ives Dairy Rd (NE 203 St) and Highland Lakes Blvd - south leg Signal detector improvement - pilot Signal timing optimization Real Time Parking Availability Information Enforce "don't block box' initiatives Signal timing optimization Signal timing optimization Median/access improvements Ponce De Leon Blvd between SW 57 Ave (Red Road) andNW 42 Ave (Le Jeune Rd) Signal timing optimization NW 7 St between NW 72 Ave and NW 7 Ave Signal timing optimization NW 2 Ave between Golden Glades Interchange and Miami- Dade/Broward County line Signal timing optimization SW 8 St (Tamiami Trail) from SR-826 (Palmetto Expressway) to I-95 Signal timing optimization Signal timing optimization Access improvements Signal timing optimization Access improvements Signal timing optimization Intersection improvements for trucks TDM Strategies Miami Ave; SW 2 Ave; SW 1 St; Flagler St; NW 7 Ave bridges over Miami River Advanced bridge closing signs/rerouting information signs SW 22 St (Coral Way) from SR-826 (Palmetto Expressway) to SW 37 Ave Signal timing optimization SR-997 (Krome Ave) at SW 312 St (Campbell Dr) Intersection Improvements - redesign to meet minimum turn radius requirements Active Management on MIA circulator road and between MIA and NW 37 Ave Advanced Parking System City of Miami STI hcaeB and Parking Management System (PMS) NW 21 St/MIA access/circulation road Interchange at I-95 and I-195 Intersection at NW S River Dr and NW 33 Ave MacArthur Causeway eastern terminus (Watson Island to Alton Rd) Intersection at NW 29 St and NW 42 Ave (Le Jeune Rd) - north leg Coral Way from SW 37 Ave to US-1 US-1 between SW 344 St and I-95 NW 27 Ave/SW 27 Ave from SW 8 St (Tamiami Trail) to NW 36 St NW 57 Ave (Red Rd) from NW 135 St to SR-826 (Palmetto) NW 167 St between NW 2 Ave and NE 15 Ave Congestion Management Set-Aside Improvements SR-934 (Hialeah Expressway) between NW 84 Ave and W 4th Ave (Red Road)