Miami-Dade 2040 LRTP - Oct. 23, 2014

Appendices MIAMI-DADE LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE TO THE YEAR 2040 EYES ON THE FUTURE | C-11 01 noitatropsnarT fo tnemtrapeD adirolF Table 9 Statewide Non-Capacity Program Estimates State and Federal Funds from the 2040 Revenue Forecast (Millions of Dollars) Major Programs 5-Year Period (Fiscal Years) 27-Year Total 2 20014-15 1 2016-20 1 2021-25 2026-30 2031-40 2014-2040 Safety 245 631 625 626 1,252 3,378 Resurfacing 1,211 3,593 3,649 3,900 8,071 20,425 Bridge 529 1,593 1,373 1,452 3,044 7,991 Product Support 2,527 4,913 5,932 6,479 14,239 34,089 Operations and Maintenance 2,033 5,228 5,607 6,295 14,470 33,633 Administration 299 855 1,037 1,153 2,672 6,016 Total Non-Capacity Programs 6,844 16,813 18,224 19,904 43,748 105,532 Other 3 364 1,111 1,330 1,474 3,252 7,531 Statewide Total Forecast 16,505 34,829 37,516 40,266 86,715 215,830 1 Based on the FDOT Adopted Work Program for 2014 through 2018. 2 Columns and rows sometimes do not equal the totals due to rounding. 3 “Other” is primarily for debt service. Table 10 State Highway System Operations and Maintenance Estimates State and Federal Funds from the 2040 Revenue Forecast (Millions of Dollars) Major Programs 5-Year Period (Fiscal Years) 27-Year Total 2 20014-15 1 2016-20 1 2021-25 2026-30 2031-40 2014-2040 District 1 543 1,499 1,530 1,676 3,683 8,931 District 2 718 1,982 2,023 2,216 4,869 11,807 District 3 582 1,607 1,640 1,798 3,949 9,576 District 4 556 1,534 1,566 1,716 3,769 9,141 District 5 720 1,987 2,029 2,223 4,883 11,841 District 6 263 725 740 811 1,781 4,318 District 7 391 1,080 1,102 1,208 2,653 6,434 Statewide Total Forecast 3,773 10,414 10,630 11,647 25,586 62,049 Note: Includes Resurfacing, Bridge, and Operation & Maintenance Programs. 1 Based on the FDOT Adopted Work Program for 2014 through 2018. 2 Columns and rows sometimes do not equal the totals due to rounding. Other The Department is responsible for certain expenditures not included in major programs discussed above. Primarily, these expenditures are for debt service and, where appropriate, reimbursements to local governments. Approximately $7.5 billion (3.5% of total revenues) is forecast for these expenditures. These funds are not available for statewide or metropolitan system plans.